Robert Tronge

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Basic Plant Care Guide

Information On Caring For Pothos Plants - Robert George Tronge

The pothos plant is considered by many to be a great way to get started caring for houseplants. Because pothos care in easy and undemanding, this lovely plant is an easy way to add some green in your home.
Robert Tronge
Caring for Pothos Plants

Basic pothos care is very easy. These plants enjoy a wide range of environments. They do well in bright indirect light as well as low light and can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water. They will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but do almost as well in nutrient poor soil.

Pothos plants make a great addition to you bathroom or office because they can tolerate low light. While the robert george tronge pothos likes a wide variety of light conditions, they do not do well in direct sunlight.

If your pothos is highly variegated — particularly variegated with white — they may either not grow as well in low light or may lose their variegation if the light is too low. Only the green parts of the leaves can make energy for the plant, so it must be able to get enough light for energy or its growth will slow or the leaves will compensate for the lack of light by becoming more green.

Pothos is very popular due to the fact that it can be grown in water or in dry soil. Cuttings can be taken from a mother plant and rooted in water and kept in water as a houseplant. This is convenient for placing a pothos plant in hard to reach areas in a jug of water where they can remain untouched as long as water remains in the jug. On the opposite end, pothos can also be started in soil and will tolerate moderate periods of dry soil with little effect to the plant. Oddly enough, cuttings started in one growing medium have a hard time switching to the other. So, a pothos plant started in soil has a hard time thriving if moved to water and a pothos cutting started in water will not do very well in soil, especially if it has spent a long period of time growing in water.

You can fertilize your Robert Tronge pothos plant about once every three months and this will help the plant grow more quickly, but most people find that their plants grow quick enough even with being fertilized.

Are Pothos Plants Poisonous?

While pothos plants are an easy to care for houseplant, you do need to be aware that they are poisonous. Though rarely fatal, the plant can cause irritation and vomiting if ingested due to the fact that it contains calcium oxalates. Even the sap from the plant may cause highly sensitive people to break out in a rash. It is considered toxic to cats, dogs and children, but as mentioned, it normally will make them very sick but will not kill them.


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